Are You Asking the RIGHT Questions?
Did you know that the average person will change jobs between 10 to 15 times in their lifetime? We all have struggled at some point with the questions: WHAT am I passionate about? WHAT do I love to do? WHAT am I good at? The problem with these questions are that these factors can change over time. What you’re passionate about today may not be what you’re passionate about in the next few years. Even with what you’re good at right now, you might find that you are better at something else in the future. So do we just change what we do from one thing to another throughout our lives? Or is there a better way?
I believe the answer lies in the first question we ask. Instead of starting with the WHAT question, start with the WHY question. WHY do I do what I do? WHY is that important to me? WHY am I alive?! For some, these first questions may seem too philosophical. But not only are they necessary, they are critical to a life of success and fulfillment. The WHY question is a purpose question. It answers who we are, what we believe in, and where we should be going. When you’ve found a satisfactory answer to the WHY question, you wake up everyday with a sense of anticipation instead of dread (even if it’s 7am). You are excited about what is to come in your day instead of eagerly awaiting 5pm.Most importantly, you feel a sense of gratitude for the life you are living instead of feeling like you got the short end of the stick.
The first question most of us were asked coming out of high school or even university is “What do you want to do for the rest of your life?” When we can’t answer that question, then we are asked, “What do you love to do?” “What are you good at?” The issue with these two questions is that these things change throughout our lives. I believe the better question to ask is “WHY do you do what you do?”. In other words, “What is your purpose?” “What are you designed for?”. These questions are not any easier to answer, but they are questions that are worth answering. When you find your calling, your purpose, your design, you will have less confusion and more certainty. Making decisions become easier. Whether you should pursue a certain career or business becomes clear. You will begin to live your life On Purpose.
Cho Lim, Founder of E-Nation
Cho is a leader and mentor at E-Nation dedicated to building an army of role models.